On-Site Risk Manager
Review insurance policies for accuracy and compliance. Analyze financial statements to determine optimal retention levels. Develop risk management controls and systems. Design processes to eliminate or mitigate potential risks. Create business continuity plans to respond to natural and man-made disasters. Evaluate existing risk management policies and procedures to find weaknesses. Prepare reports and present recommendations. Knowledge of risk assessment and control. Strong computer and research skills; Knowledge with risk management information systems (RMIS) is preferred. Proficiency in Spanish and Italian languages are preferred. Proficiency in Spanish and Italian is not required for the performance of duties, and only preferred.
High School + 2 years of experience in the position. In lieu of the required experience, the employer accepts a Master’s in Law, Business, Accounting or Finance.
Rate of Pay:
$61,963 per year
40 hours/ week
Please send resume to: arm@insighterm.com